BRANDÃO, T. B. A.;; BRANDÃO, Thiego Barros de Almeida.
This research has an objective establish project's specifications for development of a
new type lab's coat for healthcare professionals. Support methodology used to this
activity is part of one the phases used in the design methodology for the
deployment of systems modular called: design informational. In the group of results
presented, be noteworthy the target group of evidence out research, needs of those
interested in the project, the classification of the requirements established according
to Product Life Cycle, the establishment of the project requirements, the establishment
of the target product existing in the market a be overcome by the developed project,
strategy for the development of new product, classification, by degree of importance,
requirements design and, finally, design specifications that help designers / engineers
in development of new product. As a conclusion to development these specifications,
was note importance of being systematic and methodological in searching information
that guides the project is perceived, in identifying of needs those interested in the
project, in translating these needs into the “voice” of the designers / engineering and
in others existing needs relationships between, design requirements and existing
products in market in order to clarify what the person in charge of project must really
doing in order for the beginner project demand to be outstanding.