SILVA, E. S. C.;; SILVA, Ewelly Suany Cavalcante.
To guarantee employability in the current context much more is needed than the completion of
higher education. In this way, the role of the university comes into focus to ensure the
conditions of development of skills and competences of its students. Thus, the present research
aims to analyze the reflexes in the training of the administrator, through the methodology of
active learning Work-based Learning in the Program of Tutorial Education - PET . The
conceptual bases of WBL active learning were verified, as well as the contextualisation of the
performance of PET Administration groups in Brazil. The methodology used was described
qualitatively, and the data were treated through descriptive statistics and content analysis with
the aid of NVivo 12 software. The results indicate that once the students are inserted in an
environment such as the Education Program Tutorial, which provides the accomplishment of
activities coordinated and led by them, begins the process of development or improvement of
skills and competences. We conclude that the PET groups are responsible for the development
of their students by validating the relationship between active learning and the Workbased learning categories proposed in studies by Fiedmann and Sprafke, in the Tutorial
Education Programs (PET ), which can be used to analyze and monitor the results of the
student's petition.