FERNANDES, F. J. R.; FERNANDES, Fagner Jonas Rodrigues.
The creation of Law No. 12,846 / 2013 represents an important milestone in Brazilian law by
allowing the objective liability, in the civil and administrative sphere, of companies that practice
harmful acts against the national or foreign public administration, and as part of this legal system
instituted The Leniency Agreement is a very important tool in the fight against corruption. This
article aimed to analyze the leniency agreements signed by the Federal Comptroller General with
companies that offended the national public patrimony and constitutional principles of public
administration, aiming to verify among them the scope and legal compliance of the constituted
clauses. The study in question made use of the Case Study method, data collection was performed
on government websites and published scientific articles. The obtained results showed a
deficiency in the construction of some of the agreements object of the research, regarding their
non-standardization as to the inexistence of some clauses, but that still prove important tools in
the fight against impunity and the practices harmful to the public administration.