SANTOS, H. C. F.; SANTOS, Hilda Carla Freire dos.
Historically the role of women in society has been limited to the tasks of home and
child rearing, so that they play a role in many struggles for the recognition of their own
rights, such as: equality in opportunity and space in the labor market. Therefore, in this
process, many women have found in entrepreneurship a way to reconcile their roles in
the family and professional environment. From this perspective, the present study aimed
to analyze the management style of micro entrepreneurs in the city of Soledade-PB.
Thus, a descriptive qualitative research was conducted, using multiple case studies
through field research. The sample consisted of 15 female entrepreneurs, in which they
participated in a semi-structured interview, and the collected data were categorized and
analyzed in the following dimensions: strategy formulation, company structure and
power division, motivational aspects and management difficulties. The research
identified that entrepreneurs learn daily to manage, relying on the help of their families,
thus characterizing a decentralizing managerial style in decision making. It was also
observed that the main motivations of the entrepreneurs analyzed are centered on the
generation. as well as personal and professional fulfillment. Finally, the research found
that women entrepreneurs do not have the perception of experiencing different obstacles
than men, being highlighted as the main difficulties: competition, lack of working
capital and default. However, it has been found that entrepreneurs strategically use good
service, product variety and quality to better manage their business.