XAVIER, J. P. C.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/5674388084957071; XAVIER, João Pedro Celerino.
is paper reports the use of simple moving averages as a technical analysis tool capable of
indicating purchases and sales in securities traded on the stock market. The objective of this
work was to demonstrate how investors can position themselves consistently in the equity
market, using the analytical method composed by the set of moving averages 5, 21 and 200
periods. Therefore, the setup consisted of averages of 5 and 21 days, with the aid of the
average of 200 days, trend reversion figures and price action applied in banking sector
actions. After analyzing these indicators, it was noticed that the analytical tool used in this
work provided the correct execution of operations in Banco do Brasil (BBAS3), Banco Itaú
(ITUB4) and Banco Bradesco (BBDC4). It was verified that the operations performed
presented satisfactory incomes, which reaffirms the effectiveness of the analytical method
motivating the operations carried out.