SILVA, M. A.; SILVA, Marília Albuquerque da.
This paper aims to analyze the perceptions of professionals working in the area on the
implementation of management by competencies in companies. This is an exploratory
descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, carried out through the application of a biosociodemographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Six professionals from GP /
HR participated in this study, who work in different segments of the market, in which there
are four male and two female professionals, object of study. Based on the information
collected, the results show that the professionals in the area perceive that the management by
competencies has evolved in the organizational environment, although it develops at a slow
pace, but it is possible to observe that some organizations are in the implantation phase and
others already have a well-defined management structure. This research also addressed that
the importance of competency management is aligned with the organizational strategy, so that the company obtains a competitive advantage in the market with respect to its competitors. In
addition, professionals highlighted some difficulties and benefits regarding the
implementation of management by competencies. This research contributes to expand
knowledge and knowledge in this area, since it is necessary to perform an analysis of how the
market performs its activities to reach its organizational goals.