MACEDO, E. T.;; MACEDO, Euber Tavares de.
The adoption of sustainable management has been pointed out as the way for nations to seek to reconcile economic interests with socially responsible actions in an attempt to change the current panorama of inequalities and imbalances. In this sense, this research aims to identify the most relevant set of indicators for the analysis of urban sustainability in Campina Grande - PB, based on the Sustainable Public Management Guide (GPS Guide) and the perception of institutional actors. Specifically, the research aims to facilitate the monitoring and selection of sustainability indicators for local public management, adopting a comprehensive, integrated and current approach with the different portfolios that make up the local administration, also seeking to improve the allocation of public resources and meeting the needs of the public. demands considered more urgent for the city; The study also makes it possible to establish a parallel between the dimensions pointed out as important or priority by institutional actors and the dimensions pointed out as important or priority by institutional actors and the dimensions contemplated with a greater number of indicators in the GPS Guide, drawing a counterpoint and providing feedback with local public management. The GPS Guide is a tool that aggregates several indicators, distributed in five dimensions and in twelve thematic axes that seek to meet the Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the Sustainable Cities Program, which is the result of a partnership between various institutions. To conduct the research, a form was applied containing the indicators covered by the GPS GUIDE, in which the institutional actors (secretaries, executive managers and coordinators) classified the respective indicators into: essential, important, non-priority, or not applicable. The weighted average statistical tool was used to weight the sustainability indicators and obtain the results. In this way it was possible to analyze the point of view of the institutional actors and visualize the dimensions considered most important and priority for the Municipality, which according to institutional actors, are the territorial and economic dimensions. Finally, some existing difficulties in the conduction of the research were reported, and some considerations about the strategic planning of the city were punctuated, also proposing the realization of new researches that enable the participation of local and social actors to draw a comparison with the perception of institutional actors.