MONTE, R. M.;; MONTE, Rodrigo Miyashita do.
Regarding the behavior associated with the activity level, the management accounting point of
view takes into account two distinct types of costs and expenses: fixed and variable - their
combination results in the total cost. This article aims to analyze the historical evolution of
Petrobras S.A. costs and expenses in relation to the level of activity practiced. The
methodology used in this research was a quantitative factor, making use of the scatter plot,
Pearson linear correlation matrix and descriptive statistics, all performed with the tool
belonging to the Microsoft Office package, Microsoft Excel®. According to the results
achieved, the cost of goods and services sold account was the variable that had the most
directly proportional behavior in relation to the activity level, being almost entirely variable.
Selling and general and administrative expenses had a level of behavior almost identical to
each other, but less variable than the previous one. Other operating expenses and financial
expenses had the lowest levels of directly proportional behavior, as they are mostly fixed.