GUEDES, I. D. A. P.; GUEDES, Iohany Daniely Alves de Paula.
The present study consists of analyzing the factors related to the social reintegration
of users in the Walter Sarmento de Sá Psychosocial Care Center in the city of Sousa-
PB, based on the Psychiatric Reform. With the aim of providing a debate and reflection
on the process of social reintegration offered in the treatment of these individuals,
pointing to being a very relevant factor for the field of Mental Health. Where the
implantation of the CAPSad brings as main objective the important task of recovering
the dignity of the people in treatment against the use of alcohol and other drugs.
However, what we can conclude from the research carried out for the present study is
that there are a number of factors that hinder the consolidation of this resocialization,
among which can be listed: 1) the lack of commitment of the managers; 2) the lack of
information of the population, which entails the lack of collaboration of the same. This
work is based on the analysis of authors such as Paulo Amarante, Foucault, Marcela
Corrêa Martins Amaral and Maria Inês Sousa Bravo. The work shows the challenges
faced by users to re-socialize, where the current situation does not favor the guarantee
of rights, experiencing a retrocession of the atimanicomial fight movement, shows the
challenges faced by the professionals to humanize the service and enable direct and
better conditions of life for these users.