SOUSA, Lorenna Gabriela Costa.
This document aims to understanding the functionality between the Family Health
Team (SF) and the Family Health Support Center (NASF) in the implementation of
the Health Policy in the Basic Health Unit II of the city of Marizópolis-PB. To support
this reflection, a bibliographical survey was carried out to highlight how Health Policy
in Brazil, focusing on SUS, Basic Care and its respective strategic programs, as well
as on the importance of interdisciplinarity among the professionals that make up such
teams , which together aim at the implementation of Health Policy. The research also
aimed to understand the specific reality of UBS II in the city of Marizópolis-PB and to
detect how the professionals of both teams, who work in the Basic Health Unit II in
Marizópolis, see the multiprofessional network. For this, a qualitative research was
carried out, equipping itself with the critical-dialectical method of Marx, through the
application of a subjective questionnaire with four professionals that are inserted in
the teams, among them, two compose the SF team, and the other two, the NASF
team. The collected data were submitted to a semantic content analysis process and
divided into four categories in order to elucidate to the reader the organization of the
data: Organization and performance of the SF team with the UBS II; Organization
and performance of the NASF team at UBS II; Understanding of interdisciplinarity;
Multiprofessional articulation of SF team and NASF team in guaranteeing users'
rights. From the analysis of the data, it can be said that, although the service
rendering at UBS II in Marizópolis takes place satisfactorily, the professionals still find
a block in the execution of the activities with the users, mainly the NASF team of
Marizópolis, which often acts in a deficient way due not only to the lack of planning
and organization of the activities with the SF team, but also to the lack of a more
qualified theoretical foundation on interdisciplinarity, thus causing a deficiency within
the multiprofessional network and with the reception to the users.