RAMALHO, R. K.; RAMALHO, Rita de Kássia.
The advances that we are witnessing today in mental health policy were the result of a
trajectory of struggles on the part of discussions about old treatment models and later
working-class movements, such as sector psychiatry, anti-psychiatry, which started the first
experiments of deinstitutionalization in Italy, the sanitary reform in Brazil, which provided
the outbreak of the psychiatric reform despite experiencing a history of ruptures with classic
psychiatry and asylum.The 1988 Constitution was one of the determining factors for mental
health, because from it occurred the association with public policies through the Sistema
Único de Saúde (SUS), promoting new health policies and the first initiatives to implement
the CAPS, resulting in in the following decade the enactment of Law 10.2016 of 2001, where
mental health comes to provide effective assistance, visibility, and inclusion of the
community in the treatment of people with mental disorders through CAPS.Therefore, the
objective of the study was to unveil the social worker's work process against the demands of
CAPS III, knowing the RAPS from Sousa, evaluating the relevance of the participation of
family members and / or caregivers in the treatment process and psychosocial rehabilitation,
as well as understanding the demands, competencies and difficulties faced by the Social
Service in CAPS III. The method used for analysis was dialectical historical materialism. The
data collection instrument was a semi-structured interview with two open question scripts.
The subjects of the research were six CAPS III professionals. The collected data showed that
there is a certain positive and critical perspective regarding the performance of the social
worker on the part of the interviewed professionals, with the separation of attributions and
competence and their due importance, but that there is still a need for a greater understanding
and recognition of the promotion of mechanisms of participation and encouragement of the
family in the treatment so that the excessive reproduction of the care of the social worker with
the family is exclusive of that professional, not falling in conservative practices of the genesis
of the Social Service in the mental health. The first chapter will show the historical trajectory
of mental health. The second brings us reflections about the conception of public health in
Brazil and the third one presents the results of field research.