VIEIRA, M. E. S. S.;; VIEIRA, Maria Ednilsa da Silva Seixas.
In this paper, the Lato sensu Course Completion Work
School Planning and Management at the Federal University of Campina Grande do
Campus of Cajazeiras-PB, presents the result of an Experiential Project whose title was;
"Evaluation System of the Projovem Urbano Program in a State School"
developed approximately in an 80h period, with teachers who lead in the
Projovem Urbano Program - (PJU), and took place in a School of the State Network of
Teaching, located in the city of Cajazeiras-PB. In this Project, teachers who work in the
Program, under the coordination of the student of the Specialization Course and also professor of the
Program, designed and implemented an evaluation system that, in turn, was
adopted in their teaching practice, through the evaluation instruments that they already use in
classroom with students. It was understood in this way that, because the Program presents
gaps in its evaluation execution process, there is still a need to implement and
to elaborate an Evaluation System as a way of resizing, reorienting the
assessment instruments adopted by the Program's teachers. From the above,
the following research question was elaborated: How and for what purposes
systematization of the evaluation of the Projovem Urbano Program takes place in a School
State, in view of the educational purposes for which it is implemented? AND
still had as general objective: to analyze the possibilities of optimization of a
evaluation system of the Projovem Urbano Program in a State School,
in view of the educational purposes for which it is implemented. He stood out
still, on the theoretical basis - in the light of the authors, such as: Esteban (1999); Hoffmann
(1993); Luckesi (2005; 2004); Menezes (2014) among others -, the concepts, fundamentals and
different assessment approaches such as diagnostics, formative and summative, which
provided a greater understanding of knowledge about the evaluation process.The methodology used was a bibliographic survey, a qualitative approach, an analysis
documentary, observations and exploratory studies based on authors such as Lakatos (2003),
Menga & Andre (1986), Minayo (2001) which provided a broader view about
information collected for the realization of the Experiential Project. Participated in the Project
teachers who led the Program, some employees and the Unit Management team
School. Therefore, with the elaboration of this evaluation system developed with the
participation of teachers and other members of the School Unit, results were obtained
positives for the teaching and learning process and school performance of students from
Program, which contributed to a greater knowledge and deepening about the
evaluation strategies, allowing teachers and students an action-reflection-action
question about the complex act of evaluating.