SOUSA FILHO, Basilio Serrano de.;; SOUSA FILHO, Basílio Serrano de.
The objective of this work is to produce titanium alloys, niubium (Nb-Ti) by plasma fusion process followed by injection molding metal mold (PSPP, plasma push-pull skull). The Ti-Nb alloys were produced with increasing levels of niobium corresponding to 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30% (by weight). These alloys were characterized for their chemical composition, microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, aiming future biomedical applications. The microstructure observed in such alloys varies with the concentration of Nb, manifesting itself in the range of grain sizes being present in the contours of grain layers of α nucleated phase Widmanstätten plates and included in the intragranular array plates of the α phase or phase β nucleated. The analysis of X-ray diffraction showed the characteristic peaks of phases α, α’, α” and β. At concentration of 5 to 10 wt% of Nb, it was observed predominantly the α phase and α’. In concentrations between 15 and 20 wt% Nb alternated phases α, α’, α” and β. The concentration of 30wt% Nb presented phases α’ and β, with the β in higher proportions. The microhardness results reported in dependence on the microstructure present in each composition. The modulus of elasticity (E) is influenced by the constituent phases, changes the microstructure, having a direct correlation with the Nb content. The Ti-Nb alloys were subjected to electrochemical corrosion tests according to ASTM F2129-15, and using simulated body fluid (SBF) at body temperature (37ºC). We evaluated the influence of N levels on linear potendiodynamic polarization measurements (PPL) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The corrosion resistance of Ti-10Nb and Ti-30Nb alloy was superior to other compositions, although there is occurrence of formation of passivating films on all studied alloys. The electoral equivalent circuit obtained from the impedance diagrams, confirms the formation of passivating films on all studied alloys. The electrical equivalent circuit obtained from the impedance diagrams, confirms the formation of passivation films, most evident in the concentrations mentioned above.