BRASIL, R. P.;; BRASIL, Rudá Pereira.
This work aims demonstrate, analyze and comprehend the legal principles and
arguments that led the Federal Supreme Court, specifically minister Luiz Fux's vote
on deciding against the legal feasibility of the Clean Ticket Law applicability in
elections of 2010. It does an explanation about the morality in Public Administration,
as well as the principles that rules it, apart from the importance of the morality
principle in the fight against corruption. It delimits the administrative improper
concept, approaching corruption as a result of a historical process that follows the
Brazilian society evolution since Portuguese colonization. It explains the importance
of popular participation, which is essential to improve the current political panorama,
characterized as the embodiment of the democratic principle constitutionally
anointed. It explains the Clean Ticket Law as an institute that will bring a significant
improvement for the public official profile. It analyzes the reasons for the minister Luiz
Fux's vote, demonstrating the principles that influenced him, pointing out the
positions for and against the implementation of the abovementioned Act, and
ultimately demonstrates the importance of such a device to lessen the harm of
harmful practices in Public Administration. It is aimed demonstrate that only with a
better education of the people, a public profile improvement and a significant
reduction of corrupt practices Brazil will achieve the desired social development for