MOREIRA, S. R.;; MOREIRA, Sarita Ramalho.
This paper presents a study on human violence in the crime of murder committed
under the emotional states or passionate, renowned for the peculiarity of being
doctrinally committed as a result of passion. The passionateness follows the history
of man, as unfathomable as the proper relationship between life and death. To
address the issue, support the thesis that focuses on the emotional states of passion
or may be used as a ruse to justify murder, reduce or mitigate the punishment or
even the emotion and passion can only suppress the criminal responsibility when
derived from pathologies of the psyche human, which impede the ability to
understand and want the agent's order to scientifically investigate this issue points to
the general objective, the need to examine the socio-legal treatment given to the
author of the crime of passion and its implications for procedural rulings. Want to
contribute in clarifying these questions scientifically, that they may have more precise
clarifications, and terminations on each case. It is used for both methods: historical
evolution, as a result of research and comparison to previous legal and penal
institutes which existed in the past; dialectical and exegetical-legal analysis by
establishing a parallel between the arguments of prosecution and defense regarding
the nature of passion and power of rhetoric as an instrument of socio-legal
conviction, and the use of technical literature search and virtual, in systematizing and
gathering information. The conclusion that we observe is not unique, therefore it is
necessary to analyze the minutiae of the case, and establish an understanding of the
characteristics and elements involved in this criminal sphere and allow you to
categorize, with enough power to influence the arguments in the trials.