DSpace/Manakin Repository

Navegação Especialização em Direito Processual Civil por título

Navegação Especialização em Direito Processual Civil por título

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  • LUSTOSA, A. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4639457975842311; LUSTOSA, Anrafel de Medeiros. (BrasilCentro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJSUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2005)
  • FIGUEIREDO, O. M. S. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1328966558952799; FIGUEIREDO, Olivia Maria Sarmento de Sá. (BrasilCentro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJSUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2009)
    In this work, it is focused the utilization of the relief of urgency on the prospecially the inhibithory relief, its peculiarities and characteristics; taking care of the denominated "new rights", comprehended on the ...
  • NOREIRA, K. L. O.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8368529992218448; MOREIRA, Kaline Lima de Oliveira. (BrasilCentro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJSUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2005)
    The work entitled "Differentiated tutelage in the face of special civil courts: advance tutelage, precautionary tutelage and supervisory or injunctional tutelage" is eminently theoretical in nature, proceeding directly ...
  • DANTAS, D. L.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/4425604548779096; DANTAS, Deíse Lima. (BrasilCentro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJSUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2006-03)
    In accordance with the Civil Code of 1916, was ignored then known family and other mentions illegitimate that make to the concubinage, is only with the intention to protect the family constituted of the marriage, and ...
  • ROLIM, P. R. A.; ROLIM, Pietro Rodovalho de Alencar. (BrasilCentro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJSUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2006)
  • ROLIM, J. G.; ROLIM, José Gonçalves. (BrasilCentro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJSUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2006)
    The main objective of this monographic work was to approach of form fast a subject still little explored more than easy learning, as it is the case of the processory title. Here it is that, even so it has very defined ...
  • DONATO JUNIOR. D. P.; DONATO JUNIOR, Donaciano Pereira. (BrasilCentro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJSUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2006)
  • CAMPOS, T. M. L.; CAMPOS, Tânia Macedo Leite. (BrasilCentro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJSUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2005)
    The consumer's protection is a challenge of our time, representing, in the current days, one of the discussed themes. In Brazil, the consumer's rights are a recent and not very known conquest. Even with wide legislation ...

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