ANDRADE, J. L. M.; ANDRADE, Jobson Luiz Moreira de.
The work in screen has for objective the study of the excluding of the Civil
Responsibility in the consumption relationships in face of the Code of
Defense of the Consumer. The idea of making this scientific work constantly
appeared of the observations lived in the day by day of a company and of
the growing understanding on the part of the people with relationship to
your rights as consumers. The managerial evolution contributed to a larger
complexity in the relationship supplier-consumer. Then the importance of
delimiting the civil responsibility of the suppliers, as well as to trace
explanations on your excluding ones. All knowing the constituent elements
of the relationship and of the civil responsibility, he/she opens up the mind
for a better elucidation of that subject and consequently he/she leaves in the
more mixtures to exercise our rights. Through a research essentially
bibliographical, the desmistificagao of the idea is looked for that the
Consumer's Right doesn't open space for the defense of that that placed the
product or the service in the market. With the debate concerning the
excluding of the civil responsibility in the code of the consumer's defense,
without doubts, the suppliers are more conscious of your rights and duties,
and they look for an improvement in the relationships and in the attendance
to the consumer. Finally, it is dealt with a matter that is part of the daily of
any modern citizen; being constituted an allied right to the citizenship.