MENDONÇA, G. A.;; MENDONÇA, Gustavo Abraão.
Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) infections are considered a serious public health
problem worldwide, affecting a significant portion of population. Acyclovir and
penciclovir, as well as their prodrugs, valacyclovir and fanciclovir, respectively, are still
the standard therapy for treating these infections. However, some strains of HSV have
already shown resistance to these drugs, mainly in immunodepressed patients. Thus,
the use of products of natural origin, come out as an alternative, along with the use of
new drug delivery technologies, for the treatment of HSV-resistant infections.
Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the antiviral activity of phytol incorporated or
not to the solid lipid nanoparticles of TG1 against the HSV-1 virus in Vero E6 cells
through plaque reduction assay. The choice of this compound is due to the fact that
positive results have already been observed in its antineoplastic, anti-ulcer, antiinflammatory, immunostimulating, antimicrobial, antiviral action, among others. In
addition, different treatment conditions were evaluated during the 48-hour period, in
which, the pre-treatment and post-treatment conditions, the phytol incorporated in
nanoparticles exhibited a significant reduction in the number of plaques compared to
the control. Thereby, it follows that phytol associated with nanoparticles is effective in
the treatment of HSV-1 infection in cultures of Vero E6 cells.