CAMPOS, T. M. L.; CAMPOS, Tânia Macedo Leite.
The consumer's protection is a challenge of our time, representing, in the current days, one of
the discussed themes. In Brazil, the consumer's rights are a recent and not very known
conquest. Even with wide legislation on the subject, the society doesn't still know a practice in
which the consumers' rights are respected. Few are the ones that they know its rights and the
organs indeed to the which can appeal to guarantee those rights. With the entrance in vigor of
the Code of Defense of the Consumer, Law no. 8.078/90, an appropriate legislation, that it
looked for, in the justness, in the transparency and in the harmony, to introduce a definitive
escopo of justice, but until today we didn't see anybody to be processed by the crimes in him
foreseen. The own official banks, that they are administered by the governments, they practice
the politics of the massacre, instead of executing its role of promoting of the national
development. The society should be alert. It should collect respect initiatives to the values
defended by the Code. As that doesn't happen, it is necessary that the citizens, the Brazilian
consumers, leave for the effective exercise of its rights. He/she means to say that should
transform in right that that the law grants us. Therefore the present work exhibition the quao
hipossuficientes becomes the consumers of products and bank services, in the relationships
with the banks, integral of one of the strongest sections of our economy. Also, to evidence the
need of the use of the adhesion contracts, as massificacao form and activation of the
consumption relationships, its propensity to shelter abusive clauses. One of the main
onerosidade elements to the consumer.