SILVA, P. J. F.;; SILVA, Patrício José Félix da.
The main role of a coordinate systein is to localize the event-s of spacetime with respect
to a frame of reference. The construetion of a coordinate systein depeuds crucially on
the notíon of simultaneity associated to the frame of reference. However, there is no
natural manner of defining simultaneity adapted to non-inertial frames of reference, even
in the case of Minkowski spacetime. Each procedure leads to different coordinate systems.
In thls work. we discuss some well-known methods found in the Literatura. We study
the Rindler coordinates. Fermi-Walker coordinates. Radar coodinadates and Emission
(or GPS) coordinates. The system of Rindler coordinates has great interest because it
simulates in a flat spacetime some aspects of a Black Hole's geometry. We can say that
Rindler coordinates are adapted to a family of uniformly accelerated observeis which
obey the relatiou a = i, where a is the proper acceieration and p is the initial position
with respect to some inertial system. In this work, we also propose a method in order
to construct coordinate systems adapted to observers whose accelerations depend on the
initial position according to the formula a = where n e N and a» is a constant, by using
the locality principie. The case TI = 1 reproduces the Rindler coordinates. The other cases
allow us to verify a connection between non-Euciideaii geometry of the spatial sections
and non-inertial frames of reference, as it was originally suggested by Einstein. With this
generalization we can also simulate the behavior of static observers in the vicinity of a
Black Hole"s Horizon (TI = 1) and also in distant regions (n - 2)