BARROS, S. D. L.; BARROS, Samuel Dirceu de Lima.
It is important for our country that is accomplished deeper debates on the euthanasia, for
being a very important theme not only for the attacked patients of incurable diseases that they
agonize in the beds hospitalares, but also for the own evolution of the right patrio, tends in
view that such discussion already exists at many countries, besides in some they already
legalized her or they stopped punishing your practice, since respected the established
requirements in law. Before the progresses of the technology that every day modifies the
existence in society, the man's need appears, to answer countless relative subjects the
thematic, as for instance: should the euthanasia be legalized?, the euthanasia a complex theme
is being accepted broadly and done practice by several people along the history. The work has
as objectives to define the euthanasia, your elencar legal requirements, to differentiate your
modalities, discussing the ethical and juridical positionings about your legalization in Brazil
in the passive modality. The predominant method used in the research it will be the inductive,
because he/she will break of the analysis of individual cases, for consequently to present a
general position of the theme in study, it will also be used in the research the historicalevolutionary
method, the exegetico-juridical and the comparative method. The conclusion
mode, the ortotanasia, euthanasia passive or indirect respects the limit of the body, doing with
that the patient's death happens naturally and without pains or sufferings, tends in view that
you/they will continue the analgesic treatments and not more the maintenance of the life
artificially. This position, will be observed that the passive euthanasia is incorporated with the
base of the State Brazilian laico, in the respect to the beginnings of the patient's autonomy and
of the human person's dignity.