COSTA, R. V.;; COSTA, Renally Vital da.
The present study had as its general objective to analyze developments of the Municipal
Learning Assessment System (Sama) in the work of teachers from the municipal teaching
network of Campina Grande / PB; specifically, it sought to discuss the external evaluation
policies of basic education implemented in Brazil since the 1990s, at the federal level, seeking to understand their intentions and relations with the policies adopted in the municipality; understand how the Municipal Learning Assessment System (Sama) has been developing in the network and the teachers' perception about the consequences of this evaluative instrument in their work and, finally, reflect about the possibilities and challenges of this policy for teaching work in the network municipal education system of Campina Grande / PB. In methodological terms, the work moves between elements of critical theory and poststructuralism, seeking to comprehensively understand the contradictions and complex power relations present in reality. Some analytical categories such as autonomy, regulation, accountability, self-responsibility and intensification were adopted according to the readings that based our analysis. Documentary analysis was adopted, based on documents published by Seduc and on news published on official websites on the subject, observations and interviews conducted with the evaluation manager and with seven teachers who worked in the 5th year of the municipal school system. It was found that Sama was not properly regulated in the network, which allows us to affirm that it is a government project, which does not have the direct participation of teachers in the elaboration and application of it. This puts pressure on schools and professionals to adopt training and preparation practices for external evaluations at the national level, in order to improve the indicators. Through this policy, the municipal government has made some awards, increasing the climate of competition in the network and allowing greater participation by businessmen in municipal public education (especially the Lemann Foundation); at the same time, neoconservative measures are advancing in the network. All of this has served to regulate and restrict the autonomy of the work of teachers in the municipal school system, so that many of them take responsibility for the results, due to a process of colonization of subjectivities promoted by the set of neoliberal and neoconservative policies existing in the municipality. Even so, some teachers problematize this reality, not passively accepting it and showing that they have a critical and purposeful position in relation to this policy.