ALMEIDA, A. T. B.; ALMEIDA, Aline Tarciana Batista de.
This work ahead brings the quarrel on the relativizagao of the considered thing of the
sprouting of the examination of DNA, showing and suggesting solutions for judged
cases already and that, however, they had not been able to be used of this
examination, forming a probatory set based only in indiciarias tests without certainty
technique. It approaches the general concept and slight knowledge on the action of
inquiry of paternity, as well as the evolution and the current connotation of the legal
institute - procedural of the judged thing, to which the dominant legal system protects
of absolute form such which in the Roman period when judicatae was definite with
the auctoritas king. Destarte, the institute of the considered thing is an element of
guarantee of the Rule of law, a time that puts term to a debate on rights and duties,
that of the the opposite if would eternalize, transforming the society into a chaos. It
questions the immutability of the considered thing as balance solution, in relation to
the new challenges that science presents, the existence of sentences that attempt
against against the morality, the legality, the principles biggest of the Federal
Constitution and against the reality imposed for the nature. For the code, material
considered thing is called the effectiveness that becomes invariant and
unquestionable the sentence, more does not subject the usual or extraordinary
resource (art. 467, CPC). With the publication, the sentence if becomes.irrevocable
for the judge who pronounced it (art. 463, CPC). But, the looser can impugnate it,
using themselves the double degree of jurisdiction consecrated for our judiciary
system and asking for to another superior agency of the justice that reexamines the
judgeship. This if makes through resource. It traces, still, the objective and
subjective limits of the considered thing. In that if it relates to the proper inquiry of
open paternity the scientific and not scientific ways for its evidence, telling of
simploria form what it comes to be the DNA examination, when the part if refuses to
submit it such skill. Finally, it tells on the questioned relativizacao or as it wants,
flexibilizagao of the considered thing in a particular way in the actions of inquiry of