SOUZA, L. L.;; SOUZA, Luciana Luiz de.
The present study aimed to identify the main symptoms and / or signs of psychic / mental illness among Brazilian professor mentioned in the academic-scientific production of the last five years (2013-2018) in Brazil. A search was done in the ScIELO and LILACS database using the descriptors in pairs: "burnout AND professor", "burnout AND professor", "stress AND professor" and "stress AND professor". The present systematic review made it possible to identify that work overload, precariousness of work conditions and socio-professional relations are the main factors generating illness, stress and professional exhaustion in the academic environment. Consequently, these factors affect the different spheres of the worker's life, affective and social bonds, limiting leisure time and health care. Despite the suffering present in the work context of the university professor, it was seen that the professionals can experience experiences of pleasure and satisfaction for the work. In addition, it is expected that this study may contribute to the implementation of health prevention and promotion actions, and intervention strategies in teaching health in higher education.