It tutors it premature, in spite of its insert in the Code of Civil Process with the
coming of the reform of 1994, doesn't come as a new institute, because he/she
already came in some special procedures, to example of the preliminary ones in
injunction. It is well truth that tutors it premature It appeared as a form of promoting
a larger effectiveness in the delivery of the installment jurisdicionai, tends in view
that the rigidity of the processual formalism, especially In the ordinary common
procedure, it was hindering the exercise of the function jurisdicionai of the State.
Being an institute that if list in an Initial cognition, that is to say, non exauriente,
tutors it premature he/she/it consolidates through the verification of
presuppositions foreseen in the art. 273 of the Code of Civil Process: it proves
unequivocal and verisimilitude of the allegation. Before that, it calms discussion it
has been involving the analysis of the possibility or not of application of the it tutors
advanced in Civil Special Juizados, front to the beginnings informants foreseen in
the Law no. 9.099/95. Juizados appeared as a form of promoting a facilitation to
the access to the justice. However, before the presented demand, the velocity
dressed in the procedure of Juizados went being suffocated, so that now he/she
complains for the adoption of measures passiveis of recuperating such velocity. In
this aspect, inegavelmente, appears her It tutors advanced as a little skilled of
promoting a dinamizacio to Juizados, without incompatibilities appear between
the juridical safety and the break of the processual formalism. After all, the access
to the justice this intimately linked to the efficiency of the installment of the it tutors
jurisdicionai, and, before that, it tutors it premature it cannot be seen as an
adverse institute to the procedure of Juizados. The judge, while aplicador of the
right to the concrete case, cannot go away of the reality, imagining a barrier to
impede the delivery of the good of the life longed for by the part.