LACERDA, J. G. G.;; LACERDA, José Gutemberg Gomes.
This work analyzes the available procedural ways for the satisfaction of financial
credit before the legal entities of public right. He oresents the execution as one of
the meanings of the jurisdiction; it defines Public Finance and it discourses on the
titles of the execution against Public Finance. In the same way, there is a concern
with the procedure adopted for the execution and your seizures. It is examined,
also, the possibility of temporary execution against Finance and the form for the
which the payment request is requested. In the study of the payment request there
is a concern preferably with the observance of the order, your updating and the
consequences of your non payment for more than two years. Finally, the credits of
small value are considered, recently inserted in our juridical order through
amendment to the constitution and the need of a formal act is appeared
(sentence) for extinction of the execution process.