ANDRADE, G. S. L.; ANDRADE, Gildevânia de Souza Lins.
The reply petition is right of the guaranteed defendant's answer for the Constitution
of the Federal Republic of Brazil when it prescribes to be right of the defendant the
due legal process (art. 5th, LIV), the contradictory and the wide defense (art. 5th,
LV). In that sense it is right of the supplier, when against him attempted a lawsuit,
to come to judgement to answer to the author's pretension. It is like this that
proposal a demand in Civil Special Juizados for the consumer involving the
relationships of consumption of smaller complexity against the supplier, he/she will
open up opportunity for this to come to defend. With the desideratum of analyzing
the form as he/she trains the defense of the supplier in judgement, carried out by
his/her reply she proceeded to a revision in the literature on the theme being
focused the reply initially while I score of the civil procedural macrossistema, being
analyzed their delineamentos as concept, beginnings, it forms, period and types of
defenses that owe in her to be ventilated. Afunilando-if the study, starts to
approach the defense of the supplier specifically in Special Juizados, being
glimpsed the particularities brought by the Law 9.099/95 on her, as well as
approaching the position or paper of some litigants that he/she has strong
representativeness as suppliers. Besides, it was also focused the supplying
litigant's possible material defenses in judgement, for so much bringing to the
surface his/her rights foreseen by the Code of Defense of the Consumer. Of rest,
in the project of verifying the existent dialogue between the exposed theoretical
arguments and the judicial facts, he/she grew an empiric experiment in Civil
Special Courts to small questions in Uirauna, being made a documental research
in the processes filed in 2008 that involved the consumption relationships. It was
verified that the supplier occupies the position by ninety percent of the habitual
litigant's cases, that no succumbed for default and that very well handle the judicial
machine. Also it is discovered that consumers have a lot of demands yet no
answered by the judicial system considering a great proportion of favorable
judicial decisions for them in Uirauna.