TARGINO, G. C.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8253262566180244; TARGINO, Giliard Cruz.
This monograph work, had as main objective research concerning the Custody of Emergency
and Custody of the evidence in light of the Project Law the Federal Senate number 166 of
year 2010, for the purpose of instituit the new Code of Civil Process Brazilian. In search of
answers to the problems raised as issues of research, we used the methods bibliographic, the
use of doctrines, evolutionary history to demonstrate the emergence and evolution of the
Custodys mentioned, the comparative method to draw a parallel between anticipation of
Custody and Preliminary Injunction, and between anticipation of Custody and the Preventive
Custody and finally, the exegetical method of legal interpretation with the device of the Code
of Civil Process of 1973, the Draft of the new CPC, as well as other devices other laws. It can
be argued that the Brazilian legal system has some effective measures, capable of reconcile
certain constitutional standards, on one hand the standard that deals of the access to fair
justice, the dignity of the human person and of reasonable duration of proceedings, and other
side by a constitutional provision that guarantees due process, the contradictory and wide
defense. These measures are called Emergency Custody, which, in turn, is divided in Custody
Preventive and Satisfy Custody. The first seeks to avoid the risks and ensure the outcome of
proceedings, ensuring the satisfaction of a future court decision, the second aims to anticipate,
in whole or in part, the effects of protection desired. By being part of the same genus, there is
always confusion and misunderstanding to be addressed, both in academic and doctrinal as
well as judicial, using one when it comes to the other and vice versa. Given this possibility of
confusion, the legislature legalized the fungibility of them. In the Draft of the New Code of
Civil Procedure shall be regulated together, reflecting the similarity between them. Now the
classification is Satisfy or Preventive Emergency Custody granted in situations that require
urgent treatment, ie at the time, also may become more of a party opponent. Finally, the
Custody of the evidence, the novelty when it comes to measures to promote celerity to the
court. The same will be based on non-urgent situations, but in situations where the applicant's
right to show up clearly. Thus, the Emergency and Evidence Custody, are materialized in the
search for a court to provide faster and more effective, given the constitutional principles and
social justice closer to contemporary reality.