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As tutelas diferenciadas em face dos juizados especiais cíveis: tutela antecipada, tutela cautelar e tutela monitória ou injucional.

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dcterms.abstract The work entitled "Differentiated tutelage in the face of special civil courts: advance tutelage, precautionary tutelage and supervisory or injunctional tutelage" is eminently theoretical in nature, proceeding directly through a discursive approach. Therefore, dealing with the analysis of the main aspects that have been raised in favor or against the possibility of granting these urgent tutelages in the proceedings before the special courts. With this, a position is taken on the matter, seeking to base itself on the principles that inform urgent protection, as well as on the principles that guide Law N. 9.099/95, thus promoting plausible solutions and, each case judged, meeting the social purposes of the law and the requirements of the common good. The fact that special courts are already endowed with a very brief rite, for the process and judgment of less complex cases, does not prevent the granting of satisfactory or precautionary injunctions. It is seen, this time, in the course of the work that whenever the requirements of the precautionary actions (preparatory or incidental) and the anticipatory guardianships (generic or specific) are present, there will be legal possibility for the formulation of the request and obtaining the measure, especially because there is no incompatibility between those institutes regulated by the Civil Procedure Code with the special courts; on the contrary, they harmonize with the principles of speed and instrumentality and, therefore, with the effectiveness sought by specialized justice. en
dc.creator.ID NOREIRA, K. L. O. pt_BR
dc.creator.Lattes http://lattes.cnpq.br/8368529992218448 pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1 ABRANTES, Giorggia Petrucce Lacerda e Silva.
dc.contributor.advisor1ID ABRANTES, G. P. L. S. pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1Lattes http://lattes.cnpq.br/4116316852116492 pt_BR
dc.description.resumo 0 trabalho intitulado "As tutelas diferenciadas em face dos juizados especiais cíveis: tutela antecipada, tutela cautelar e tutela monitoria ou injuncional" apresenta natureza eminentemente teórica, procedido de forma direta, mediante abordagem discursiva. Versando, portanto, acerca da analise dos principais aspectos que tem sido levantados a favor ou contra a possibilidade de concessão destas tutelas urgentes nos processos perante os juizados especiais. Com isto, toma-se posição quanto a matéria, buscando fundamentação nos princípios informadores das tutelas urgentes, bem como nos princípios que norteiam a Lei n. 9.099/95, promovendo, assim, soluções plausíveis e, cada caso julgado, atendendo aos fins sociais da lei e as exigências do bem comum. O fato dos juizados especiais já serem dotados de um rito sumaríssimo, para o processo e julgamento de causas de menor complexidade, não obsta a concessão de liminares satisfativas ou cautelares. Vê-se, desta feita, no transcorrer do trabalho que sempre que os requisitos das ações cautelares (preparatórias ou incidentais) e das tutelas antecipatórias (genérica ou especifica) se fizerem presentes haverá possibilidade jurídica para a formulação do pedido e obtenção da medida, mormente porque inexiste qualquer incompatibilidade entre esses institutos regulados pelo Código de Processo Civil com os juizados especiais; pelo contrario, harmonizam-se com os princípios da celeridade e instrumentalidade e, por conseguinte, com a efetividade buscada pela justiça especializada. pt_BR
dc.publisher.country Brasil pt_BR
dc.publisher.department Centro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais - CCJS pt_BR
dc.publisher.initials UFCG pt_BR
dc.subject.cnpq Direito Processual Civil
dc.title As tutelas diferenciadas em face dos juizados especiais cíveis: tutela antecipada, tutela cautelar e tutela monitória ou injucional. pt_BR
dc.date.issued 2005
dc.description.abstract The work entitled "Differentiated tutelage in the face of special civil courts: advance tutelage, precautionary tutelage and supervisory or injunctional tutelage" is eminently theoretical in nature, proceeding directly through a discursive approach. Therefore, dealing with the analysis of the main aspects that have been raised in favor or against the possibility of granting these urgent tutelages in the proceedings before the special courts. With this, a position is taken on the matter, seeking to base itself on the principles that inform urgent protection, as well as on the principles that guide Law N. 9.099/95, thus promoting plausible solutions and, each case judged, meeting the social purposes of the law and the requirements of the common good. The fact that special courts are already endowed with a very brief rite, for the process and judgment of less complex cases, does not prevent the granting of satisfactory or precautionary injunctions. It is seen, this time, in the course of the work that whenever the requirements of the precautionary actions (preparatory or incidental) and the anticipatory guardianships (generic or specific) are present, there will be legal possibility for the formulation of the request and obtaining the measure, especially because there is no incompatibility between those institutes regulated by the Civil Procedure Code with the special courts; on the contrary, they harmonize with the principles of speed and instrumentality and, therefore, with the effectiveness sought by specialized justice. en
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.sti.ufcg.edu.br:8080/jspui/handle/riufcg/15020
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-08T18:39:08Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-08
dc.date.available 2020-09-08T18:39:08Z
dc.type Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso pt_BR
dc.subject Tutela Antecipada
dc.subject Tutela Cautelar
dc.subject Tutela Monitória ou Injucional
dc.subject Juizados Especiais Federais
dc.subject Código de Processo Civil
dc.subject Direito Processual Civil
dc.subject Anticipated Guardianship
dc.subject Guardianship
dc.subject Monitorial or Injunctive Guardianship
dc.subject Federal Special Courts
dc.subject Code of Civil Procedure
dc.subject Civil Procedural Law
dc.rights Acesso Aberto pt_BR
dc.creator MOREIRA, Kaline Lima de Oliveira.
dc.publisher Universidade Federal de Campina Grande pt_BR
dc.language por pt_BR
dc.title.alternative Differentiated tutelage in the face of special civil courts: early tutelage, precautionary tutelage and monitoring or injunctive tutelage. pt_BR
dc.identifier.citation MOREIRA, Kaline Lima de Oliveira. As tutelas diferenciadas em face dos juizados especiais cíveis: tutela antecipada, tutela cautelar e tutela monitória ou injucional. 48f. (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Monografia), Curso de Especialização em Direito Processual Civil – Centro de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – Sousa - Paraíba - Brasil, 2005. pt_BR

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