GADELHA, F. L. N. S.; GADELHA, Francisca Lusirene Nóbrega de Sousa.
Nowadays, it shows the notion that the legal proceedings must be manipulted to the
way to produce a joust juridecal regulation. To assert this purpose, arised the institute
of Antecipagao da Tutela de Merito, institute by the Law 8952, of 13 of December of
1994, the won university in your code of Civil Process, giving new writing to the
article -273. The antecipated tutelage consists to allow the judge, with the legals
pretexts, to concede to the postulant, the pretension deduced in judgement. Not
means, nevertheless, that the magistrate judges proceeding the demand, but in truth,
in the presence of the arguments brought to the papers, figures plausible the
concession of the antecipatory measure, under pain to become innocuous that
provisioning. More than a simple alteration of an enuciation, the new law, represents
change of an ideological course of the process, breaking definitively with the
tradicional segmentation of the jurisdictional activities, in the structure of the original
Code. The cited measures, till then antecipated for determinated special
proceedings, become to constitute reachable providence, generalized, in any
process, of knowledge, of execucion or caution and the special proceedings too.
Believes that have been demonstraded, the institute of the antecipation of the
tutelage effects, with its character notedly satisfied from the pleaded law, represents
the reclaiming processual savings, secure the interest of the parts, fortifing the
principle of legal process. What it is propose in this study, it is to expose the ways,
the instruments and mecanisms that today the processual system disposes, placed
to disposition of the interested,an able process to realize his goals and to serve the