LIMA, S. O.;; LIMA, Sileide de Oliveira.
This study aims to present an analysis of outstanding commitments in the cities of Paraiba:
Bernardino Batista, Sousa and Triunfo, between 1998 and 2007, demonstrating the evolution
of total budget expenditures, outstanding commitments and processed available cash. The
outstanding commitments are obligations that comprise the floating debt and may be
characterized as the costs involved that were not paid until December 31 in the year they
were entered. The existence of available cash to honor commitments related to outstanding
commitments is important for there to be balanced budget. Because of this importance,
legislation concerning the theme is very broad and this study aims to investigate the behavior
public entities dealt with before the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF), noting if they left cash
enough and if after its advent, are fulfilling the precepts art. 42 of that law. To this end, we
used descriptive research based on study literature on the subject and documentary
evidence drawn from Balance Sheets of the municipalities analyzed and the Treasury (STN).
Thus, one can see that before LRF/2000, the municipalities analyzed only the municipality of
Triunfo-PB sought to make sufficient cash to honor outstanding commitments. With the
advent of that law, the three public bodies studied conformed budget so that there was
willingness to honor outstanding commitments with exception of the municipality of Sousa,
Paraiba, where there was a large volume of the remains without paying sufficient time for its
payment, which reduced after the enactment of that law, but have not yet reached a
appropriate level, it would be a total of resources that could pay the entire amount of
outstanding commitments each year, showing that municipality of Sousa, Paraiba, is not
complying with the Law of Responsibility Tax.