MELO, H. D.;; MELO, Heitor Dias.
Users began to demand corporate environmental pratices and sustainable in their production
processes. Faced with this new strande entities began to adopt in their market strategies,
preventive measures can inhibit development impacts operating, while the accounting assist
in recording and environmental disclosure in order to demonstrate the ability of evolution of
equity and respect with the environment. The present study animed to analyze the frequency
of disclosure of environmental items of business segment Steel, listed, on the BOVESPA, in
the period from 2008 to 2012, having as the main source Standardized Financial Statements
(DFP's) and Statements of Character Volunteer. It is a mixed research, this is, qualitative and
quantitative, which used information and techniques with the purpose of identifying the
disclosure of each organization in relation to environmental issues occured. The survey
results shomed a tendency for companies to highlight investments in favor of the
environment, the environmental asset, through the Sustainability Report, which was
configured as a dissemination tool with more environmental information. The environmental
costs and enviromental costs and enviromental costs presented are justified by the
operationalization of steel, however need to be well controlled with preventive measures.