LEITE, I. F. B.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0009775903342861; LEITE, Izabel Farias Batista.
Undergraduate courses of Design and Architecture and Urbanism use as a foundation for the teaching-learning process the studios, which students learn by executing, practicing and developing project activities. Considering that for both courses, teaching pr actical subjects usually occurs in studios, as a learning space, it needs to aggregate the necessary conditions to become a constructive environment, allowing an interaction and diversity of possibilities of enjoyment and usage of its enclosures: teacher and student, school and community, in a reflexive process seeking real learning based on instruction. Therefore, the main theme of this work is the projects teaching in studios of the Design and Architecture and Urbanism courses of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). It is believed this text is directed to project teachers, students, professionals and researchers in the field of Design and Architecture. Thus, the objective of the research is to expose the current situation of teaching the practical disciplines in this specified institute. For that, the methodological and pedagogical matter, as well as its relation with the infrastructure available in studios, are fundamental to understand, from the perspective of teachers and students, how the te aching-learning process occurs. It is because many crises experienced today in the professional scope occur, among
other reasons, due to problems of an educational nature. Since most of the institutions attend to pedagogical purposes of an immediate, infor mative, instrumentalist characters and, in the majority of cases, without any commitment to an individual’s human and cultural formation. Finally, recognizing the need to broaden the reflections and discursions about project teaching, it is crucial to emphasize that this happens in both analyzed courses. Some studios have particularities and similarities, especially regarding the available infrastructure and didactic practices adopted in them.