FORMIGA, W. A.; FORMIGA, Wildemberg Andrade.
To analyze the financial indicators of the Company, relating to: Liquidity, Profitability, Debt
and turnover, might provide information about the financial performance of the organizations
whether public or private. The purpose of this research was to examine how these indicators
are correlated in a publicly traded company Marisol SA, the methodological approach was
the descriptive research, it was used as a tool for data analysis the Factor Analysis, it has
come up with accurate information about the correlations between variables, and also were
defined the predominant factors. After the application of the technique it was obtained the
number of three factors, the first named of Profitability, by having most of its contents related
to company profitability, the second was assigned by Rotation, since 100% of their contents
are Rotating the third, named Debt and Liquidity, is composed of indexes that refer to 75% of
the company's debt and 25% related to general solvency.