SOUSA, Pâmella Tamires Avelino de.;; SOUSA, Pâmella Tamires Avelino de.
The dissertation "In The Benefit of the Formation of Female Youth"- Escola Normal Estadual of Campina Grande (1955-1960) it is about the creation of a school institution for teacher formation in the 1960s, located in a city in Paraíba. The study is part of the studies related to school institutions, considering the importance attributed to this type of institution whose specific characteristic is teacher training, two centerlines that we consider important in our study. We aimed to investigate the socio-political and educational determinants that made the creation of the Escola Normal Estadual to Campina Grande (1955-1960). The definite temporal cut between 1955 and 1960 refers to the period between a national and local political moment, the source of great social-educational changes, and the year of creation of the school. To guide the construction of the study object, we chose thematic categoriesthe creation of the institution, feminization and teacher formation, and we base ourselves on the theoretical references of Saviani (2007); Tanuri (2000); Nosella and Buffa (2013); Vicentini and Lugli (2009); Almeida (1998/2004); Chamon (2005) and others. The documentary research used historical sources such as newspapers, messages from the governor Pedro Gondim, registration forms of the pioneer students, photos, internal regiment of the college, among other documents. We emphasize the mismatch of creation of the school in comparison with the institution of teacher formation in the state capital and other training schools belonging to the private domain, such as ENECG is the first public institution for teacher formation in the city of Campina Grande and we defend the argument that institution was formed essentially for the girls of the local society, the so-called "female youth.". In the consultation and analysis undertaken in local and state journals, highlighting the Diário da Borborema daily newspaper, we realized that the creation of the school was a necessity to improve the teachers who would act in primary education, considered in the city as insufficient and precarious. From the reflections developed throughout the work, we conclude that the creation of the Escola Normal Estadual of Campina Grande constituted itself as a political maneuver, since the promise and fulfillment of the school's creation corroborated the need for national and local educational expansion together to this movement the literate elite residents of Campina Grande. Through the news, the weaknesses of primary educationwerereported, with an emphasis on the poor formation of local teachers, thus, composing the scenario of promise announced in 1958 with the creation of the institution in 1960. With regard to its functioning in an own building, only occurred ten years later, in 1970.