BARROS, L. A.;; BARROS, Lênio Assis de.
The Brazilian university was, historically, a space of exclusion of the popular classes. Only in the 1990s, with the growth of the higher education, allied in the following decades to a policy of democratization of access, occurred the entry of a new student into universities. The present study aims to analyze the new university student from the perspective of UFCG teachers, based on the Theory of Social Representations. From the universe of 681 professors, 37 from each of the areas of technology, human and health were selected to compose the sample, totaling 111 participants. It is a qualitative study, with quantitative, descriptive and transversal analysis, using free association of words (ALP), in addition to a structured questionnaire, with ten objective questions designed on a likert scale and three discursive questions, as research instruments. The results indicated a fundamentally negative social representation of a young, immature and unprepared student, by professors of all areas, but important indications of change observed in the human area, where the student is also seen as promising.