SILVA, R. S. C.;; SILVA, Renan Sena de Castro e.
The elderly population is gradually growing due to the improvement in the quality of life
nowadays. Most countries including Brazil have been adopting new policies aiming the
well-being of this portion of the population, and one way to promote it is through physical activity. This work aims to evaluate the satisfaction of the elderly regarding the use of gym equipment in outdoor gyms. To this purpose, a mixed pragmatic basic exploratory research involving a case study was carried out. Observational and interactional methods were used, with elderly users divided into two groups, group 1 (not experienced) and group 2 (experienced), according to their experience using the gym equipment at the outdoor gym at Parque da Criança, located in Campina Grande (PB), after agreeing to sign a Free and Informed Consent Form (Appendix IX). As instruments, forms and usability tests such as the SUS (System Usability Scale) method and the SD (Semantic Differential) were used, with basis on studies produced by expert authors in the area, to survey and measure aspects related to satisfaction. The results achieved are qualitative and quantitative, and lead to satisfaction with the equipment, given that the SUS method presented scores from 74.87 to 85.50 for group 1, and 78.37 to 88.75 for group 2. Thus, it shows viability about maintaining quality of life and promoting health for the population. The study showed that the more the public is used to the equipment, the higher are the satisfaction rates, and that impressions can vary as the user gets used to the equipment, both in positive and negative aspects. It was noticed for both experienced and non-experienced users that the equipment is considered satisfactory within the verified aspects, safety, ease of use, comfort, intuitiveness, pleasantness and pleasure.