SOUSA, Y. G. N.;; SOUSA, Yuriki Guttemberg Nóbrega de.
Nowadays, there is a lot of discussion around parents attitudes when they break the marital
bond with their spouse/partner and also interrupt their relationship with their kids, making
happen what is called the emotional distance. There is a discussion around children that grow
up without parent´s affection, even if they have the livelihood support from them, what
psychological damage can be caused from this. As consequence, is also discussed if the
parents, who abandon your kids, can be liable in some way for your omission, once they
breached their duty of affection and support. In this prospect, the goal of this present work is
to show the legal possibility of accountability of the parents for the emotional neglect of their
kids. The study is justified on the relevance of the fundamental rights guaranteed to the kid
and the teenager and also on the obligation of the family, society and State to ensure those
rights. To achieve those goals, was performed bibliographical study through research on
scientific articles, books, magazines, legal decisions and publications in the written press and
court websites addressing the topic. The work was subsidized by the federal constitution ,
Brazilian laws, doctrine and jurisprudences in order to assist a positive understanding on the
possibility of charging the parents for abandoning their kids. Was used the comparative
method to assay the divergences or convergences between the several raised placements and
existing chains, identifying the thought of each author or jurist according to the topic. It was
also used deductive method to enable to build the legal position about the possibility to
indemnify the parents for emotional distance, from the social effects achieved and the
problems that may arise before the democratic rule of law barriers.