PEREIRA, M. L. N.; PEREIRA, Marla Luvan do Nascimento.
Given the importance of the company in its socioeconomic character, Judicial
Recovery is present as one of the most important mechanisms in the preservation of
companies that are in a delicate situation from the economic point of view. The
company's outstanding role is undeniable, whether in the generation of jobs and taxes,
and consequently income. With the aforementioned, can it be said that Judicial
Recovery is the legal-procedural mechanism that can be used to overcome a business
crisis? Given this context, Judicial Recovery appears as an alternative to Bankruptcy,
aimed at achieving the maintenance of the company, which is necessary in the context
of the economic-financial crisis that passes through Brazil. In view of this problem, the
present work has as general objective to analyze the Institute of the Recovery of
Companies as a mechanism to overcome the economic crisis of a company, with a
view to its legal and social aspects. And, as for the methodology used, the hypotheticaldeductive method is used as a method of approach; the historical-evolutionary, as
method of procedure; just as bibliographic research and data collection, as research
techniques. Therefore, it can be affirmed that Judicial Recovery is a juridical-social
mechanism of preservation of the company and, consequently, maintainer of the
economic balance.