ARAÚJO, B. T. T.;; ARAÚJO, Bárbara Teixeira Tomaz de.
The situation of the Brazilian prison system is worrying. In the prison, with no
justifying reason, there are an increasing number of convicted prisoners and
provisional ones mixed together. And, despite provisional detention is the ultima ratio
of the precautionary measures, when it comes to Brazil, such speech is nothing but
rhetoric to disguise the rooted prison culture, always stimulated by media. So, the
present work has as the main objective the analysis if, in relation to the character of
expressed exceptionality of the provisional detention, it seems possible the
application of the preventive detention in case of violation of precautionary measure
alternative to imprisonment (list of Law 12.403/11), initially imposed on the
defendant, and violated by him. The study shows itself of great significance to the
legal environment, considering that with the recent approval of this law, it becomes
evident the value that assume the precautionary measures alternative to
imprisonment, and the lack of clarity about the possibility of application of preventive
detention when it is not complied, which generate legal insecurity on the current
procedural criminal law. The research focuses, particularly, on the question of
primacy of the procedural freedom rather than the preventive detention. For this, are
used the hypothetical-deductive method, as a method of approach, the legal exegetical method and evolutive-historical, as methods of procedure, and the indirect
documentation by bibliographic research as a research technique. Thus, in the
development of the work is performed an analysis of the two streams that divide
opinions about the object of research, demonstrating that the first one is in favor of
the application of the preventive imprisonment in the case of noncompliance of the
precautionary measure alternative to imprisonment, even in the hypothesis of not
being present the requirements which authorize this institute, while the second one is
contrary to that position, at the time it argues that There must be a systematic
interpretation of the provisions that regulate the application of the preventive
detention in case of violation of precautionary measure, with the provisions that
restrict the imposition of the protective custody. This being done, after doctrinal and
jurisprudential analysis remained clear that the second stream has prevailed.
Moreover, considering the legal conflict presented, it was concluded that the
interpreters of the law should seek harmonious understandings with constitutional
norms, excepting that should be excluded extensive interpretations that harm
fundamental rights, since the Democratic State of Law is, first of all, warrantor of the
most significant legal rights, such as freedom.