CAVALCANTE, A. P. S.;; CAVALCANTE, Amanda Paula Silva.
As we are inserted in a graphocentric society, reading texts, including literary ones, becomes an indispensable element for different moments in our daily lives. However, the
reading practices currently developed in classrooms sometimes contribute little to the
formation of readers able to build meaning for the read and to position themselves in front
of it. Given this context, we discuss, in this research, how the reading of literary narratives
and the conscious and systematic use of reading strategies, carried out by the teacher,
contribute to the process of reading formation, as well as to the essential dialogical
relationship between mediator, reader and text. In this sense, we seek to investigate how
the process of mediation of reading literary narratives occurs, in classes of the 3rd and 5th
year of the initial years of Elementary School, focusing our attention on the reader
strategies that teachers use to train student-readers, observing, in addition, the choice of
activities and the preparation of lesson plans, in which work with reading is contemplated.
With this proposal, we intend to contribute to expand the studies in the direction of getting
to know how teachers from the early years promote the reading mediation of their students, highlighting the fact that it is in this phase that the basis of the reading skills is formed. The research presented here used the qualitative research method, based on a case study with a descriptive-interpretative character. The instruments for data collection were participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis of the sources of teaching activities. We base our reflections on authors whose theoretical support allows a reflection on the importance of reading literary narratives in the formation of readers and the importance of systematized mediation in this process, as well as the essential dialogical relationship between mediator, reader and text. In view of the analyzed data, it is possible to present two different versions of pedagogical mediation of reading, which result from different ways of conceiving the learning subject and the world around him. The results of the study show that P1 presents a more imposing mediating action, makes little use of reading strategies and bases its comprehension activities on superficial questions about the text. P2, on the other hand, uses many reading strategies during its pedagogical actions, presenting a more problematic mediation, but fails to advance in questions that lead to the extrapolation of the text or the construction of the global ideas of the read. We thus evoke the need for continuing education, based on local experiences, in which the problem is the object of reflection by the teachers, based on the theory / practice relationship, in order to favor the redirection of their pedagogical actions.