QUEIROZ, R. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7173939277938645; BARROS, Rosa Amélia de Queiroz.
This research is linked to the Post-Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Campina Grande, in the line of research History, Politics and Educational Management, and its study object was the management and organization of multi-series agricultural schools in the contexts of the municipalities of Barra de Santana and Boqueirão - Paraíba. The two municipalities in the research field - Boqueirão and Barra de Santana - are located in the mesoregion of the Agreste of Paraíba and in the microregion of the eastern Cariri of Paraíba. Our general objective was: to understand whether, within the framework of educational policies in the municipalities of Barra de Santana and Boqueirão, the Rural Education paradigm was considered for the organization and management of schools with multiserial classes in the field. Specifically, we had as objectives: to place schools / multiseries classes in the context of the history of education and educational policies in Brazil; characterize the organization of schools with multi-grade classes in the municipalities of Barra de Santana and Boqueirão; reflect on whether the normative framework for Rural Education is present in the documents of the educational policies of the municipalities, especially with regard to the management of schools / multi-grade classes; to identify the conception of the municipal and school administrators about the organization and management of the multi-grade schools in the field. The approach with the dialectical approach from the perspective of historical materialism has enabled us to better understand the totality and contradictions that historically constituted multiserial schools in the field and which today influence their management. For this we seek the methodological references in Frigotto (2000); Lukács (2010); Minayo (1994) and Netto (1997). In a permanent dialogue with the analytical categories of content, in the case of multiseriate classes, we rely on Antunes-Rocha (2010), Hage (2006), Moura (2011) and Santos (2015); Rural Education we refer to in Caldart (2008), Molina (1999, 2006) and Silva (2009, 2013); and Educational Management and Organization we seek contributions in Dourado (2011), Libâneo (2003,
2018), Munarim (2006), Paro (2006, 2007) and Luck (1998). From a procedural point of
view, we work with a triangulation between exploratory study, document analysis and semi- structured interview. In the treatment and analysis of information, we used the technique of Content Analysis via Thematic Analysis, according to the perspective of Bandin (1977). Among the main conclusions we reached, we highlight: the concept of Rural Education that appears initially in the documents of the municipal educational policy; the permanence of a stereotyped conception of multiseries classes as a problem that needs to be dealt with generally with the nucleation / closing of schools; a diversity of organizational forms of the multiseriate classes in the municipalities; the presence in the secretariats of a specific coordination of Rural Education that is not necessarily reflected in a specific pedagogical proposal; the debate on the heterogeneity of multiseries classes and on a management that considers this reality is not present in the managers' conception.