Campus Cajazeiras | Centro de Formação de Professores - CFP: Recent submissions

  • ANDRADE, Luiz Augusto Oliveira de. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011)
    The cardiovascular diseases have a preponderant function in the morb-imortality indicators in Brazil, and the ischemic heart disease, including the myocardial acute heart attack (AHA) which is the principal component of ...
  • OLIVEIRA, Thayane Pessoa Silva. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010-12)
    This work aims to discuss, through a more in-depth study, series of social factors that have stood out within school institutions. Its about prejudices about gender and sex, absorbed still in the family environment and ...
  • LIRA, Vanessa Freitas de. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010-12)
    This work proposes to analyze Inclusive Education in public schools state and municipal, of the city of Cajazeiras - PB, having as target audience, the students with special educational needs (SENs), inserted in ...
  • SILVA, Suleimara Ferreira da. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010)
    This work is based on the perspective that technological means are intimately present in people's daily lives, and for that reason, should fall short of the classroom. In this sense, education must be dynamically treated, ...
  • DANTAS, S. E.;; DANTAS, Sonaly Elias. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010-12)
    This work aims to investigate the importance of games and games in the teaching-learning process of mathematics, if these instruments are really being used in the classroom and how the students adapt to the games. It is ...
  • SILVA, M. S. S.;; SILVA, Marta Soraya Sousa. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010)
    The importance of teaching art has been the subject of discussion throughout the years, even in the face of many studies developed that prove its importance for the intellectual development of the individual, this teaching ...
  • LOPES, Sabrina Trigueiro. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010)
    This monograph aims to answer the following question: what leads students 4th grade of elementary school I to practice acts of violence against their classmates? To answer the guiding question we used the following ...
  • BATISTA, Marleide Maria de Andrade. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010)
    The present study had as relevance the intention to analyze the teaching-learning process developed in reading in the years initials of elementary school at the Municipal School of Elementary Education J o s e Batista ...
  • ABREU, Maria Viviane Pereira de. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010)
    The objective of this work and to deal with Rural Education in the perspective that it either in and from the field, and the subjects who reside there can study and live in field even after their formation in Basic ...
  • SILVA, M. V.;; SILVA, Maria Veruska da. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010)
    The present work aims to analyze the contributions that playfulness offers to teaching mathematics in the early years of elementary school, allowing students to become feel more motivated and overcome difficulties in ...
  • LIRA, L. P. A.;; LIRA, Luciana Priscila de Andrade. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011)
    Hanseniasis is a disease of national importance, placing Brazil in second place in the world by the high incidence rates and prevalence, affecting men and women, causing serious biological damage, psychosocial and ...
  • DAMÁSIO, Luana Egle Queiroz. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011)
    Humanization in Health was established as a highly politicized issue today, given its concept to cover all levels of care for the user of health's service, especially as regards the sectors of high complexity as the ...
  • ASSIS, L. F.;; ASSIS, Lilian Figueirôa de. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011-12-02)
    The way the drugs use have been seen today, differs from earlier eras in which the Brazilian public health was not engaging properly with the serious problem of prevention and treatment of disorders associated with alcohol ...
  • SILVA, Danielly Carvalho. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010-12)
    This monographic work presents considerations on moral and social development its implications for the formation of young children. It points out the difference between morality and ethics in dialogue with characteristics ...
  • FEITOSA, Maria Vanda Edina. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2010)
    This monographic research entitled: Causes and effects of indiscipline in the 4th year of elementary school I was held at a municipal public school in the district of lara / CE with five students. This research seeks to ...
  • SOARES, T. F. R.;; SOARES, Thallyson Fellype Rangel. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011)
    Every professional who lives with stressful agents in their work environment with a certain frequency for prolonged periods, is vulnerable to acquiring Burnout Syndrome, which is characterized based on three reference ...
  • OLIVEIRA, L. R.;; OLIVEIRA, Larissa Rolim de. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011)
    Leprosy being a disease of infectious or contagious chronic disease, which affects the peripheral nervous system, causes loss of sensation and muscle paralysis that when not diagnosed and treated appropriately can evolve ...
  • OLIVEIRA, L. G. A.;; OLIVEIRA, Larissa Gonçalves Abrantes de. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011-06-28)
    In this study, we chose to analyze the work of nurses of the Surgical Center and Maternity Hospital Regional Cajazeiras because it is a place where those with some experience frequent cases of infection. The objectives ...
  • NOBREGA, T. J. M. A.;; NÓBREGA, Thairon José Machado de Araújo. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011)
    The changes in the Brazilian demographic profile are notorious, where the number of elderly people is growing every year. In view of this, policies have been created and implemented to safeguard the rights of this age group ...
  • COSTA, K. L. P.;; COSTA, Kylvia Luciana Pereira. (BrasilCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPUFCGUniversidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2011)
    The building of Single Health System advanced substantially in recent years and every day the evidence of the importance of the Family Health Strategy as the structuring core of Primary Health Care is strengthened. ...

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