MARTINS, M. F.; MARTINS, Maria de Fátima.
The present study aims at proposing a model in order to both analyze and monitor of urban sustainability, based on the discursive matrices of urban sustainability put forward by Acselrad (2009a). Thus, a descriptive and exploratory research with a quantitative approach was carried out, which adopts the deductive method, based on the theoretical background of urban sustainability, which uses the three discursive matrices proposed by Acselrad (2009a) as a conceptual model for the analysis of the sustainability of cities, as well as of sustainability indicators systems existing urban as a basis for the selection of urban indicators. The proposed model corresponds to the definition of matrices, dimensions and themes along with their respective analysis criteria, in addition the indicators with the parameters used so as to measure the urban sustainability of cities, built from the conceptual model of matrix as proposed by Ascelard (2009a): the city in its techno-material representation (eco-energetic rationality and urban metabolism); the city as a space of life quality (purity, citizenship and patrimony); and the city as a place of legitimacy of urban policies (efficiency and equity). The model was applied in the city of Campina Grande (PB) where it was possible to analyze the urban sustainability concerning the techno-material issues related to resources and waste streams, to the quality of life and to public policy. For the operationalization of a set of indicators into indices, it was necessary to adapt the methodology by Martins and Cândido (2008), with the classification of the levels of sustainability based on the fuzzy logic by means of membership functions to the sets sustainable, potentially sustainable, potentially unsustainable and unsustainable. The application results show that the sustainability index of Campina Grande presents a higher level of membership to the potentially sustainable set. However, it is possible to observe that aspects such as waste and resource flows, distribution of human activities in the urban and rural spaces, the consumption of energy and fuel, the integrity of the natural, historical and cultural patrimony, and finally the management of public resources to meet the demands of the population in an equitable manner need improvements so as to raise the level of municipal urban sustainability. Therefore, it is concluded that the proposed model uses a comprehensive concept of sustainability so as to cover the urban problematic, taking into account the fact that the developed system of urban sustainability indicators as well as the established criteria and parameters allow to inform about the current conditions of sustainability presented by the city, creating the possibility of monitoring these conditions over the years, by means of urban indicators and the constant analysis of urban sustainability to guide policy decisions for the sustainability of urban space. Therefore, this work contributes to studies of urban sustainability, since it adopts a theoretical model based on the reading of the matrices of urban sustainability, seeking a relationship with the practical reality through the urban indicators, so that it is possible to provide directions to the process of urban development in cities.