DUARTE, A. S.; DUARTE., Andressa Sucupira.
The present paper is an exploratory study of bibliographical character, whose theme
is about the student politics in the Federal Universities emphasizing the role of Social
Work in Higher Education. As a source of queries, we turn to literature, and articles
that discuss the laws on education policy. To elucidate the said issue, we performed
a historical retrospective on the Brazilian education policy, addressing the
peculiarities that it takes nowadays. Subsequently, we analyzed the insertion of
social work education, emphasizing the role of the profession in the light of higher
student assistance that is advocated by the Law of Guidelines and Bases of
Education (LDB) education. Given the analysis that brought us approximate
conclusions of the Brazilian educational reality, we can infer that recent strategies
used for the development of the current education policy actually are configured as
mechanisms of the state apparatus to mask their inaction regarding the precarious
way that education is being offered to the population. Thus, we be