DINIZ, C. E.; DINIZ, Claudiane Elias.
This study brings the discussion of Health Policy, with special analysis of the
accessibility of public services. Also addresses the role of social work in this policy,
taking into consideration that it is considered a socio-occupational space already
established by the profession. To analyze the principle of accessibility of public
health services at present carried out a qualitative study of bibliographic nature
adopting broad investigative reading about the specific literature available in books,
journals, papers and journal articles, and other sources. Resorted to the dialectical -
critical method as a procedure of analysis. After make up a study on the historical
trajectory of Health Policy in Brazil and their main features and changes, particularly
the implementation of the Unified Health System ( SUS ), which, since then, universal
access, comprehensiveness and territorial started guide health policy, there is
numerous difficulties in the realization of the principles that is mainly that of universal
access. For not all who need and seek care are effectively met and when the wait
time for the call is over, thereby contravening the user. Regarding the relationship
with the Health Policy Social Work verified the importance of this profession, both in
the sense of competence historically constructed and consolidated in answering the
demands existing in this area, but also for their commitment, attested in its ethicalprofessional politician, in contributing to the access to social rights of the users , and
among these the right to access to public health services, in quantity and quality.