CASIMIRO, I. A.; CASIMIRO, Irla de Andrade.
This paper searched to analyse what are the challenges of the multiprofessionality to
the multiprofessional work’s efetivation in Centro de Atenção Psicosocial álcool e
drogas. Its objective identifying what are the unities that compose the intersectoriality
service's network in Sousa-PB and understanding how this net communicates with
the CAPsad. The debate about the multiprofessionality is still recent, however it is
present in all sectors, like a strategy to build actions and services that come to
overcome the public sectors' inefficiency and materialize the service integrity. It was
elaborated a bibliographic study covering campaigns by the Psychiatric Reform and
by Sanitary Reform. The method used was fieldwork where the data were colected
by semi structured interviews with three CAPSad Walter Sarmento de Sá
professionals, where we identified the possibilities and limits to the intersectorial and
multisectorial work's efetivation in this institution. The method used to the analyse of
social reality was the dialectic historic materialism. The results showed how the
CAPSad articulates itself with the other services that integrate the health assistance
net, as well as the multiprofessional teams are organized to actualize the full service
to the user. We conclude that this work process is still under construction, in a time
that has a continuous search to actualize the citizens’ rights reasoned in the SUS
principles - equity, integrality and universality.