LIMA, M. S.;; LIMA, Marcos Silva de.
This work is an account of the experience of musical education developed in the municipality of Nova Floresta-PB, between 2009 and 2016, in a social project titled Projeto Brasibes, in which I participated in its foundation and act as a volunteer teacher and regent. This project is characterized as a space of non-formal education, which offers free collective lessons in music, in workshops of various musical instruments, serving people of various ages. The project also holds public recitals at community events and has been held since 2011 by the Cultural Association of Music Education (ACEM), an NGO created for this purpose. The general objective of this report is to identify the impacts of the Brasibes Project on music education developed in the municipality of Nova Floresta-PB, between 2009 and 2016. For that, it was necessary to describe the historical process of formation and organization of the project, as well as How to analyze the challenges faced in their work. Still, we tried to understand the motivations that led people to participate as students, contributing members or volunteer teachers, and know their expectations regarding the future of this initiative. In the process of construction of this report, we carried out a bibliographical review to situate the Brasibes Project in the historical context of music education in Brazil and to characterize it according to theoretical concepts of researchers such as Penna (2006), Fonterrada (2005), Libâneo (1999), Gohn (1997), among others. Subsequently, we searched the archives of the project and the ACEM documentary sources to rescue the historical process of organization and performance of the Brasibes Project. Finally, we applied questionnaires to the people directly involved in the project actions. With this work, we hope to have contributed to the expansion of the discussions about musical education carried out in spaces of non-formal education, and to motivate other studies.