VIEIRA, L. Q. S.;; VIEIRA, Luziane Queiroga da Silva.
Aging is a natural process that happens over the years in humans , with it several
changes occur both in biological, social and psychological aspect , hearing loss is a
common problem in older people , and this directly affects their quality of life, and the
use of hearing aids is one of the possible solutions to this problem and its
consequences on the individual , this study aims to examine the changes that
occurred in the quality of life post- adaptation Personal Sound Amplification (hearing
aid ) , the elderly treated in Otoclinica Aline Pires Benevides Gadea , the city of
Sousa - PB . To evaluate the benefit caused by the use of hearing a study based on
the method of life history and participant observation of a qualitative nature , carried
out through analysis of medical records and conducting home interviews consisted of
four individuals aged over 60 was conducted years presbiacusios , two males and
two females , which were fitted in Otoclinica at first was made audiological tests and
then referred for screening , which is performed by the Social Worker , having
diagnosed the real need the appliance selection and molding , after receiving the unit
the user initiates the process of audiological rehabilitation is done . By completing
this work could conclude that all seniors passed the audiologic rehabilitation process
and managed to adapt and make daily use of hearing aid which had significant
improvement in their personal and social relationships , and achieved an
improvement in their quality of life . Noted - if you have good hearing is a significant
factor in having a good quality of life , to stay connected and within society , users
who are using the prosthesis feel - as satisfying and well adapted to the changes that
occurred after use the apparatus.