DUARTE, M. K.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9851071447306375; DUARTE, Mayara Karla.
This Working End of Course (CBT) was performed based on the lived experience
from the period of supervised realized that in Otoclínica Aline Pires Benevides
Gadelha, from March 2013 being continued until the present time, March 2014. The
issue addressed in this paper refers to the coexistence of families with deaf people
served in Otoclínica and aims to analyze the coexistence of the same family. The
methodology for conducting this study is qualitative in nature, taking advantage of the
methods of participant observation and life history. The procedures for data collection
guided on existing documentary sources and interviews with the institution that
supported this research. Interviews were conducted with three (3) families of people
who have hearing loss and are cared for in Otoclínica. The paper is structured as
follows: in the first chapter we attempted to make a short presentation about some
concepts and treatment of hearing impairment in Brazil. This chapter also addressed
the national health policies and attention to hearing health in Brazil. The second
chapter discusses the methodological procedures used in the research, talking a little
of the institution, locus of research and profile of the trainees, the research subjects.
The third chapter deals with the discussion of the data collected and reports of
interviews. Thus, in all cases accompanied families reported getting a good family
with deaf coexistence, although some social difficulties. We observed that family
relationships among the deaf served in Otoclínica and their families can be
considered good, but point out the existence of prejudicial practices in everyday life
of individuals with hearing disabilities that lead them to develop fully.